
You and ....

Fill in the blanks:

"I believe in the power of you and _____"

"It's true we'll make a better day, just you and ______."

Grammatically, the blanks would be replaced as follows:
"I believe in the power of you and me,"

"It's true we'll make a better day, just you and I."

If you're reciting song lyrics, however, it would look like this:
"I believe in the power of you and I,"
-- "I Believe" (Nikki Yanofsky)

"It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me."
-- "We Are The World" (African-famine fundraiser)

Poetic licence and pop-culture are eroding my ear for poor grammar!

[h/t: You and I know Olympic lyrics flawed: grammarian]

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