Looking for worthy causes that you can help, without costing you a penny? Here are a few for you:
Test your vocabulary and help distribute rice through the World Food Progamme at FreeRice.com [h/t: GeekDad]
To play the game, click on the synonym you think is right. If you're right, you get a harder question. Otherwise you get an easier question. For right answer, 10 grains of rice is donatedto the United Nations World Food Program.
Join a Facebook group to help fund a PlayPump for a village in Africa. [h/t: David-Tennant.com]
From the One Difference website:
The PlayPump® uses a specially crafted children’s roundabout to pump water from deep underground. So, as children spin on the roundabout, fresh, clean water is pumped from a borehole into a storage tank for use by the entire community.
It’s a simple idea but one that is changing the lives of thousands of African people. Now, instead of walking for hours to collect water, children can go to school and the entire community benefits from access to fresh drinking water.
From their Facebook page:
A further donation of $5000 has been pledged if 250,000 Facebook users join the One Difference [Facebook] fan page in time for World Water Day on the 22nd March. [snip]
The $10,000 total will fund a PlayPump for a village in Africa. [snip]
Please join the group and pass this on to all your contacts. Be a part of the change.
Looking for something a little more local?
Save the Association for Research on Mothering (ARM)
Read what Ann Douglas has to say. Ann also outlines three ways to take action here.
You can also lend your support by joining the Friends of The Association for Research on Mothering Facebook group.

Doodle idea based on a Tweet by Ann Douglas.
The code for this doodle and other doodles you can use on your blog can be found at Doodles.
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